8 Superstars Who Suffered From WWE Draft 2016

7. Carmella

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Curtis Axel wasn't quite the last individual chosen during the WWE Draft however, That honour went to the sixth and final NXT pick, The Princess of Staten Island, Carmella. The third female to be drafted from NXT, Carmella now finds herself on SmackDown alongside fellow NXT call-up Alexa Bliss.

Now, Carmella being brought up the main roster is a good thing, for sure. Heck, her being the last pick isn't a bad thing, a speculative choice from NXT should certainly have taken that position. The issue is less about where Carmella is, and more about where Enzo and Cass are.

Carmella is a talented individual who will certainly do good work wherever she is, but it seems like a strange move to bring her up on the opposite show to Amore and Cassady. Would all three not have benefited from their reunion, as they did in NXT?

Carmella's improved a lot in the ring over the last year or so, and some of that will go down to extra focus being put on her with Enzo and Big Cass on the main roster. Even so, I fail to see the logic in separating a money trio.


Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.