8 Talented Young Wrestlers Who Were Screwed By WCW's Demise

6. Shawn Stasiak

Shawn Stasiak was actually in WWE before WCW and then he went back to WWE after they bought WCW. His WWE run was uneventful as a character named "Meat" that was used for sexual favors by the PMS group of Terri Runnels, Jackie & Ryan Shamrock. It was actually a good thing for him to get out of there. He was a good fit in WCW in 2000 because he was 30 years old with some experience and he also had a good enough look that people bought into him as a potential star. He won the WCW Tag Titles three times with Chuck Palumbo although if you watched WCW in those days then you remember how frequently they did title changes. It really killed the value of those titles. Stasiak was also a good fit in the Natural Born Thrillers stable and you could see by the end of WCW that he was going to receive a serious push as a singles wrestler. When he made it back to WWE after the WCW purchase, he was given two ridiculous gimmicks. The first one was as a guy that was a clumsy idiot that would try to attack people randomly, then they would move and he would go crashing into a wall or taking some other ridiculous bump. People laughed at him. His other gimmick in 2002 was that he was a crazy guy that claimed he was from "Planet Stasiak" and was basically playing a crazy guy on TV. He was out of the company about a year after WCW was bought by WWE. Considering he was on the brink of a push in WCW with Stacy Keibler as his valet, it would have been very beneficial to him if WCW didn't die. Instead, he was just another guy in WWE that is known for having three of the worst gimmicks ever.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.