8 Things International Wrestling Fans Are Tired Of

6. The Focus On 'The Troops'

John Cena America

Please don't write or comment that I'm hating on the defence force: I promise you, I absolutely am not. I'm only bringing this up because there is a major emphasis on America's defence force which I think should be expanded. The world is made up of countries who have agreements and alliances and all of that fun stuff, which makes me wonder why WWE doesn't seem to think of acknowledging other countries while they're at it?

The annual Tribute to the Troops show is honestly a wonderful idea; those who serve and protect a country absolutely deserve a show of gratitude for all they do. However, I think they could invite, you know, other army folks to the show too? I'm not saying it's a fact that they don't, it's just that all the promotional stuff is covered in American flags and whatnot, which makes me think they don't.

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John Cena
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