8 Things International Wrestling Fans Are Tired Of

5. American-Based Charities

John Cena America

It's fantastic that WWE use their influence for good. Raising awareness of various charities through placing logos all over the stage, the ring ropes changing colours, superstars wearing pins of logos, visiting and posing for photos outside of shows... they really do some great work.

WWE regularly bring fans' attention to a particular cause, talking to and about survivors and fighters, people who are truly inspirational. They show us particular merchandise that if we buy, so much will go towards the charity. And it's great.

However, each country often has their own charity for those exact causes. For example, America has Susan G. Komen, Australia has the McGrath Foundation. If I want to donate to a breast cancer charity, I'm much more likely to donate to my own national foundation.

If nothing else, the constant reminders of American charities makes fans feel completely guilty that they don't actively help out the wonderful people WWE talks about.

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John Cena
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