8 Things International Wrestling Fans Are Tired Of

4. Sponsorships And Commercials For American-Only Companies/Deals

John Cena America

WWE are not shy about who their sponsors are for particular shows; there is no subtlety to their commercial deals. They very neatly ensure the logo is in the corner of our screens at all opportunities. Then there are the obscure cross-overs which require Dolph Ziggler and The Miz to dress up as the Colonel and a chicken destined for frying. The issue?

They make the advertisement so good, and the food sound truly tantalising - and then I discover that that deal is only in America. I can't buy the Chicken Little thing in Australia! And as a result, my heart is broken and my stomach left rumbling. It is seriously devastating when it is lunch time and I'm watching WWE, and see Enzo and Big Cass talking about a new meal deal which I will never be able to taste.

If anything, I am doing WWE a favour - they are missing out on some advertisement opportunities. Try harder to reach all of our wallets!

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John Cena
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