8 Things International Wrestling Fans Are Tired Of

2. United States Title

John Cena America

The issue is not that there is a championship specifically for the United Sates of America; we do have the Intercontinental Championship after all. However the issue is that, spurred on by the crowd, the title more often than not becomes an icon for difference, a separation between 'us' (U.S., pun intended) and 'them'.

A fantastic example of this is the storyline between Rusev and Roman Reigns; Reigns, the champion, displayed what can only be identified as heel traits, from ruining a wedding celebration and pushing Lana into cake, to forcing a no contest match at their first pay per view meeting.

Why? Because Rusev is Bulgarian. Or, more specifically, not American. And as a result, Rusev becomes the 'bad guy', regardless of the fact that he is merely defending his wife's honour.

It's crazy, but this is what becomes of a title that is really used to highlight difference in an organisation that flourishes under the banner of red, white, and blue.

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John Cena
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