8 Things We Learned From Ryback On Talk Is Jericho

8. His Injury History

For someone with a relatively short career on the main roster, Ryback has suffered more than his share of significant injuries. The Big Guy opens the interview discussing the tearing of his groin, suffered in January of 2013, and then four months later he followed it up with an additional tear to his groin and then he ripped his abs in a match with The Shield. He details how he got in the ring during a show in Vegas when he wasn't scheduled to perform because they were in his hometown and the crowd was hot for him, and at the encouragement of Randy Orton he went out and did his thing. His most horrific injury was when he broke his ankle and leg due to a pair of boots that didn't fit that kept him out of action for an inordinate amount of time, due to the steel rod inserted in his leg pressing against his nerves. It took Ryback begging the doctors to remove the rod to get the problem corrected, which they did against their own best interests while assuring him he would never wrestle again. This is yet another in the endless amount of examples of how tough pro wrestlers are and what a grueling life they lead.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.