8 Things We Learned From Ryback On Talk Is Jericho

3. The Origin Of Ryback

The birth of the character of Ryback came about one night while Ryan Reeves, deep into vodka, sat around watching Terminator 2 and said to himself "I'm a machine. I'm like Arnold." After being forced to abandon his previous gimmick of The Silverback after WWE appropriated it for Mark Henry during a time when Reeves wasn't with the company, he needed a new persona and through a drunken viewing of a sci-fi action classic, Ryback was born. Originally the gimmick was that of a half-man/half-machine that was toned down for a more realistic approach when he started using it on the main roster, Ryback speaks of how he tried to come up with creative ways of demolishing the jobbers he was matched up against during his the early days of his push. "Feed me more" was completely unintentional when he said it of the cuff in a match. Road Dogg pulled him aside and told him that Vince really liked it, and thus a catchphrase was born.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.