8 Things That Must Happen At WWE Battleground 2017

4. The Usos Should Retain

Jinder Mahal, Randy Orton

It's strange to think of The Usos as incredibly bland babyfaces, as they were so for such a large portion of their WWE careers. Now heel, the brothers seem fresher than ever, and fully deserve to keep hold of their SmackDown Tag Team Championships for the time being.

Should the New Day eventually capture those titles? Potentially. Although the trio are still entertaining in individual segments, their act has grown quite stale in a more general sense. Maybe we'll see a big triumph in a SummerSlam rematch, a decent title reign, and...whisper it... a break up angle?

That's one for the future though; every tag team seems to be breaking up these days, and things appear to be fine as they are for now.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.