8 Things We Learned From Kane On The Ross Report

6. Kane Wishes He'd Appreciated The Attitude Era More At The Time

undertaker kane

In a refreshingly honest moment, Jacobs said he didn't fully appreciate the 'Attitude Era' at the time and wishes he had savoured how special it was. Jacobs can't be blamed for not appreciating that time his career; focusing on his new role as Kane, he must have been looking to establish the character rather than admiring his own work.

Let's not forget that Kane didn't come with any assurances. Even at the time, it looked for all the world like the gimmick would be a short-lived experiment only there to put The Undertaker over at WrestleMania XIV. It turned into much more than that, but nobody (least of all Jacobs) could say for sure what the future held.

Jacobs did point out his WWF Title win over Steve Austin at the 1998 King Of The Ring. Bizarrely winning and losing the belt within 24 hours, Kane viewed his job as helping to cement Austin's popularity with fans. That's a cool way of looking at things, especially when it must have been disappointing not to get a longer title reign.

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