8 Things We Learned From WWE’s Sting: The Lost Tape

4. Why Sting's Face Paint Was Always Different

Sting Face Paints WCW

More of Sting's humble, human nature comes to the fore when he's putting on his trademark paints.

If you've ever wondered why his make-up always had slight, subtle differences, then 'Lost Tape' has some answers for you. The short version is that Sting "has no idea" what he's doing with the paint - he would start by drawing one line and then making things up as he went along.

The Stinger obviously followed some templates (he says that most fans seemed to love the more colourful aesthetic), but admits that he could never get it exactly the same way twice in a row. So, instead of obsessing over it, he'd mix things up by adding on-the-fly flourishes to the design if he couldn't get it quite right.

There's no sign of a face painter at this point in the doc. Realistically, WCW wasn't going to hire in someone to paint Sting or anyone else's face. He was on his own, and he had to learn from his own mistakes and carry the paints with him on the road.

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