8 Things We Learned From WWE’s Sting: The Lost Tape

3. Sting Really Believed In WCW's Future

Hulk Hogan Randy Savage Marcus Bagwell Johnny B. Badd Alex Wright WCW

You might be sick of hearing about how happy-go-lucky and ego-free Sting was, but it's the main thread of the entire documentary. During one talking head segment, he explains how excited he is for WCW's future, and doesn't seem at all concerned by the influx of ex-WWF stars like Hulk Hogan or Randy Savage.

Sting also named Marcus Bagwell, Johnny B. Badd and Alex Wright as the three names who would carry the company into the future. That's interesting, not least because Wright eventually nestled into a lower-mid card role and Badd left WCW to become Marc Mero in the WWF. Only Bagwell had any kind of sustained success.

He must've learned the difference between a promo and a "shizoot".

'Lost Tape' shows that Sting was a company man who never took things too seriously or believed his own hype. He remained grounded even when he was winning World Titles, headlining pay-per-views or meeting starstruck fans.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.