8 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Keith Lee

7. He Quit American Football For Wrestling

Keith Lee

Reflecting back on his decision during a chat with ESPN several years ago, Lee admitted that it was maybe foolish to quit playing college football in 2005 to chase his chances as a pro wrestler. Keith's logic is sound. Had he stuck it out on the field and found success in the sport, he may have found the transition to wrestling easier.

That didn't matter to Lee at the time however. He planned to work his tail off from the start and build a career for himself from the ground up.

Throwing himself into the task of researching the best school possible, he stumbled upon one owned by ex-WCCW and NWA stalwart "Killer" Tim Brooks. As it was situated just outside Dallas, Texas (in the small town of Waxahachie), the place seemed perfect, and Lee signed up for training.

To this day, Keith says Brooks' work ethic and training has stuck with him. He doesn't regret trading American Football or dreams of playing in the NFL someday for knuckling down, grafting from the bottom and working his way up the wrestling ladder.

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Keith Lee
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.