8 Things You Learn From Watching Battleground’s Main Event With Hindi Commentary

4. Even Jinder's Begging Off From Weapon Shots Was Protected

Randy Orton Jinder Mahal

Weapons such as a kendo stick and steel chair were used during the Punjabi Prison by both Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal. The Hindi announcers were not pleased when Mahal begged Orton not to blast him with the stick. Crying out that a man of Jinder's standing shouldn't be on his knees begging, they were beside themselves with outrage.

That anger only escalated when Randy grabbed a chair and whacked Jinder repeatedly. As the live crowd cheered each blow, the Indians remarked that a steel chair was going too far and that Orton was obviously trying to end a brilliant career at the same time as showing complete disregard for Mahal's safety.

On commentary, the Hindi team made it look like Jinder was the sympathetic figure for refusing to run away from Randy's weapon shots. Even when the champion was trying to get away from Orton, it was explained away as natural that 'The Great Maharaja' would want to create distance.

Jinder could do no wrong.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.