8 Things You Learn Reading A Wrestling Magazine From 1990

1. It Was A Great Year (For Garbage)

Today€™s product gets a bad rap for camp nonsense and the intelligence-insulting gimmicks that seem to pop up on a minute by minute basis. But as bad as some of today's programming is, you'd be hard-pressed to find a year that was as full of steaming hot turds as 1990. In a segment entitled €˜What We€™d Like to Forget About 1990€™, the horrendous quality of the product was laid bare in black and white. Some of the moments of shame are pretty usual by wrestling standards - but 1990 also saw some of the most infamous of all wrestling angles. Here are just a few lows that 1990 was able to produce: The Gobbledy-Gooker. If you don€™t know about this, then I wouldn€™t even suggest that you waste your time googling it, because there is nothing to be gained. Cowabunga. A wrestler who €˜wrestles wearing a full Teenage Mutant Ninja Costume'. That's all I am going to write. Robocop and Sting. I€™ve written about this before. But the main takeaway €“ it€™s Robocop. And Sting. Together. In a wrestling ring. For reals. The Original Two Stings. Double Stinger was barely passable when Sting was doing the Crow gimmick. When he has short hair, minimal face paint, and is only wearing leg tights, it's beyond stupid to assume that the audience won't recognise when it's someone that is an entirely different person. That's why stunt doubles aren't shot in focus. Sgt Slaughter the Iraqi sympathiser. As I've also said before, it's never a good idea for Vince to engage in politics. This one was pretty gross. So yea, even as WWE no doubt butchers the run up to Wrestlemania this year, don€™t forget €“ bad wrestling isn€™t exactly new.
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.