8 Times Great Wrestlers Put On Terrible Matches At WrestleMania

7. Undertaker Vs. Kane (WrestleMania XX)

Steve Austin Scott Hall WrestleMania X-8

It's kind of incredible that this match was so forgettable, given that it featured two wrestlers who, you would assume, are pretty well acquainted with one another after being joined at the hip for much of the Attitude Era.

Then again, 'Taker has generally produced his best performances alongside comparatively small wrestlers like Shawn Michaels. Taking on a fellow seven-footer, who he can't so easily throw around the ring, is naturally a much different challenge.

Aside from which, this was also The Deadman's first match since November the previous year. He had spent the intervening time working on a much-needed re-brand project after being buried alive at Survivor Series.

Combine that with the fact that the two brothers had the unenviable task of following Kurt Angle versus Eddie Guerrero - one of the greatest encounters in 'Mania history - and the odds were always stacked against them putting on a show-stealer.
