8 Times Great Wrestlers Put On Terrible Matches At WrestleMania

4. Mankind Vs. Big Show (WrestleMania XV)

Steve Austin Scott Hall WrestleMania X-8

WrestleMania XV is an event notable for the fact that pretty much every single match on the card - with the sole exception of the Austin-Rock main event - was almost unbearably awful.

But the worst of them was perhaps the one shared by Mankind and Big Show, who were fighting for the right to become the guest referee for the night's headline WWE Championship match.

With Vince McMahon getting involved halfway through, and a series of baffling referee calls (Show would eventually lose via DQ, after Mankind got away with a low blow), this felt like the kind of thing that belonged on Monday Night Raw, not the biggest show of the year.

And that's kind of a shame, because we all know that Mick Foley, for all his technical limitations, is a man capable of putting on great matches when the occasion calls for it. Here, he just wasn't given the right tools to work with.
