8 Times WWE Failed To Create A Main Event Player

3. Shelton Benjamin - 2004/05

Ain't no stopping him, no? Shelton Benjamin was a performer that never quite lived up to his incredible potential. One of the most athletically gifted athletes to ever step foot in a WWE ring, Benjamin frequently wowed audiences. His first break came as a member of Team Angle/The World's Greatest Tag Team, but after they were split up in the 2004 draft Benjamin got his shot at singles stardom. Things started off well enough, with Benjamin scoring three wins against Triple H. Yes, Benjamin technically beat The Game three whole times, which is pretty much unheard of. He continued to feud with Evolution through the spring and summer months and after a spell on the sidelines with a broken hand, returned to capture the Intercontinental Championship form Chris Jericho in October. Benjamin held onto the title for over eight months before dropping it to Carlito. During that time, he defended the title with pride and could usually be counted on to turn in a great performance. He was the star of the initial Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 21, too. But, it seems that was Benjamin's level. After supposedly insulting a well-respected road agent, Benjamin was punished and given a losing streak (then there was the whole 'Momma Benjamin' episode). For the next several years, Benjamin never really looked like breaking through to the main event. Some have said his inability to cut a good promo cost him, but WWE had something with Benjmain and they might have found a different way to market him. Go back and watch that first match with Triple H in April 2004 and tell me he wasn't ready to step up to the next level.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...