8 TNA Impact Gimmick Changes That Lengthened Careers

7. Jeff Jarrett

Broken Matt Hardy 2
Impact Wrestling

Old Double-J tried to reinvent himself more than once during his on-again off-again tenure with TNA, but the only one that was as entertaining as it was campy?

Double-J Double-M A.

When Jeff suddenly developed a shoot-fighter gimmick and began tapping out random members of the audience (and children!), it was the perfect delusional heel schtick. This wasn't TNA's usual ladling of an unwelcome Jeff Jarrett hogging the main event scene. Instead, it was a brilliant buffoon bullying Amazing Red only to be confronted by Red's "little" brother, Crimson.

It didn't last long, but it served as the perfect palate cleanser after years of Jarrett in the championship picture, reminding us of JJ's comedic chops and inimitable smarminess.

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