8 Uncool Heels That WWE Fans Surprisingly Loved

8. Bad News Barrett

Wade Barrett has always had an inconsistent career in WWE. Since winning the first season of NXT and leading the diabolical Nexus faction Wade has struggled making it on his own. His Corre faction was an embarrassment and his bare knuckle fighter gimmick had no future. After months of treading water, WWE finally gave the former Intercontinental Champion some character growth: Bad News Barrett. Originally debuting on the JBL and Cole show, Barrett would appear on a random podium with a wooden gavel and declare that he had some bad news. He would then furnish the crowd with news of the local sports teams recent defeats, or pessimistic predictions of the long term damage the American lifestyle would cause them in the future (ie Americans are too fat). That was it. His material wasn't funny, or even coherent. For example his bad news about RVD being too old fell flat because Barrett claimed he was still in diapers when RVD last held the IC title. Does anyone find that amusing? And even if that was hilarious, it would imply that Barrett wore diapers when he was seventeen years old! And yet after a couple of months fans were all over the character. Perhaps it was that catchy slogan "I'm afraid I've got some bad news!" Perhaps fans just wanted a reason to cheer the talented Englishman, who had always been lacking a hook. Maybe it was Barrett himself. He always looked like he was having the time of his life up there on that podium, banging that gavel with a gigantic grin on his face. His enthusiasm must have overcome the ridiculousness of the gimmick. By May of this year, Barrett was one of the hottest acts of the company. In fact he was so over, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon even pandered to the crowd by using his catchphrase. Hopefully Bad News Barrett will continue to be pushed upon his return from his shoulder injury. And hopefully we won't ever have to hear Stephanie attempt a British accent again. Ever, ever again!
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Kurt Angle
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As a wrestling fan I've flown across the Atlantic for the last five years specifically to attend WrestleMania (28 and 30) as well as TNA, ROH, Evolve, Chikara and most recently PWG. I may have a problem! But if you're reading my work then you probably love wrestling too, so lets focus on that!