8 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (21 June - Results & Review)

Drew McIntyre brutally beats CM Punk; SmackDown rules; Jacob Fatu debuts.

The Bloodline Solo Sikoa Jacob Fatu Tama Tonga Loa

Normally, this fan would be the first to say that pretty much every wrestling show has something wrong with it, but you've gotta call 'em how you see 'em. This week's SmackDown was a masterclass in drama from WWE. Was it one of the best episodes ever? That's up for debate, and there's always a risk of recency bias in the immediate aftermath.

It was bloody great though. Literally.

Drew McIntyre got some measure of revenge on CM Punk by spoiling Chicago's night (one for the Glaswegians, that!), Jacob Fatu roared into view as the latest member of Solo Sikoa's retooled Bloodline, several wrestlers qualified for the upcoming Money In The Bank ladder matches, and WWE even found time to book a mini-reunion between Punk and Paul Heyman.

Names like Joe Hendry and The Wyatt Sicks/Sick6 have been on everyone's lips this week, but Triple H just added more hype by producing a slick Friday night packed with action. SmackDown was one seriously fun watch, and you just know this is a warm up for more brilliance to come over SummerSlam season.

Here's all the good and zero bad. Enjoy!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.