8 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (21 June - Results & Review)

2. Reunited (Sort Of) & It Feels So Good!

CM Punk Paul Heyman

The fragility Paul Heyman has shown since Roman went on holiday = incredible. Like a true master of his craft, Paul knows when to act smug and when to act like he's fearing for his life. On SmackDown, Heyman warned his old mate that The Bloodline were incoming, then borderline begged Punk to save him from this Solo Sikoa-imposed hell.

That was a killer moment, and so was the visual of an emotional hug between old running buddies. Fans popped for that cuddle. It's the latest layer in Heyman's unlikely babyface turn since Hall Of Fame induction. Honestly, did anybody see that one coming when Paul E's been such an effective heel since forever?


There was a lot to unpick in this opening segment. CM Punk needled Drew McIntyre (oops), Heyman asked Punk to take him to safety, The Bloodline got involved, Cody Rhodes came out with baseball bats to fend them off, and Paul was dragged back into line behind Solo.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.