8 Ups & 0 Downs From WWE SmackDown (21 June - Results & Review)

3. Jacob Fatu Is Here

Jacob Fatu WWE

What a facial expression that is.

Jacob Fatu finally debuted on WWE TV to join Solo's reworked Bloodline. Corey Graves and Wade Barrett laid it on thick by treating Fatu like the most dangerous member Sikoa has found yet, which really helped. All of Paul Heyman's worst nightmares are coming true as well. He was told Roman Reigns "isn't coming back" one minute, then this happened the next.

Of course, Roman is coming back at some point. That'll be the big payoff to this Solo-led mutiny, and he'll get a monstrous babyface pop. For now, positioning Jacob as the loose cannon of Bloodline 2.0 is a shrewd move. He has the fire and facials to turn this role into something truly special.

The live crowd came up for Fatu's debut, so Triple H will be happy about that. Nobody wanted Jacob to debut amidst a Conor McGregor-like 'who da fuq is dat guy?!' response. It's awesome that people seemed to know who Fatu was, and that he has such a ready-made role to slot into straight away.

Wrecking KO, Orton and Cody on your first night is big business.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.