8 Ups & 1 Down From WWE NXT (Jul 20)

6. Bronson Reed Wants The Best

Sometimes simple is strongest and in the case of Bronson Reed's backstage sit-down interview with Wade Barrett this week, the former North American Champion came across like a dude who just wants to get back on track after losing his belt to Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott.

In stark comparison to Kyle O'Reilly's odd motivations during a similar skit a week ago, Reed's justifications for wanting a match with one of the greatest performers in NXT history made all the sense in the world. Adam Cole is one of the best ever, and he wants to beat the best. Simple as that.

For such a big, dominant performer, Reed also plays the empathetic babyface remarkably well, admitting that he feels like he let down his friends and family who had supported him all this time when he lost his title in such an unexpected fashion. Cole and Reed will now face off in seven days time, and even with next to no build, this already feels like a more exciting prospect than having Cole and Kool Kyle run it back one more time because the former mentioned the latter's wife a few times.

Just because it worked for Mystic Mac doesn't mean it'll work on Tuesday nights.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...