8 Ups & 1 Down From WWE NXT (Jul 20)

5. Krazy Kyle Snaps On Theory

Kyle O'Reilly

A week removed from going it alone against Karrion Kross in his unsuccessful attempt to come away with the NXT Championship, Johnny Gargano decided to let Austin Theory back his words up on his Todd against a Kyle O'Reilly looking for a fight.

And early on, it must be said, this tough love looked to be paying dividends as The Way's "glue" put on one of his most mature and impressive singles displays to date against the far more experienced grappler. Stuffing takedowns, dominating his adversary on the ground, and even whacking out a few devastating suplexes for good measure, Theory looked every bit the star of tomorrow here and had those inside of the CWC questioning their allegiance to the apparent babyface that is Kool Kyle.

In a rather inspired decision, O'Reilly then suddenly snapped after Theory made the fatal error of exposing the steel steps that had once played host to the brainbuster, at the hands of Adam Cole, that put Kyle out of action. Taking things to a level where Theory simply couldn't hang anymore, Krazy Kyle obliterated the youngster with Muay Thai strikes and it wasn't long before he connected with his signature top-rope flying knee before transitioning into a knee-bar.

Witnessing Kyle refuse to release the hold for a spell, despite Theory tapping for his life, made for a seriously compelling visual. Perhaps this is the way you keep this Cole/O'Reilly feud simmering without actually having the two meet in the ring for an elongated spell. But, the question we now face is who else is going to be dumb enough to show Kyle the steel going forward?

Also, judging from the way The Way treated poor ol' Theory backstage later in the night, could this be the end of his time with his one-time "family"? If rumours of him being backstage at recent main roster tapings are to be believed, the no-look high-5 may just be dead and buried.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...