8 Ups & 2 Downs From Impact Wrestling Victory Road 2020


2. Third Time Unlucky

Victory Road marked the third interaction between Brian Myers and Tommy Dreamer. The first saw Myers flip over a table backstage, making Dreamer livid for some weird reason. The second saw Dreamer confront Myers backstage, which led us to the third, a match between the duo. There's a saying that the third time is often the luckiest, however, that trend doesn't apply to these two, seeing as the match was nothing.

Given Dreamer's increasing age, he's incapable of producing anything truly special in the ring. Typically, his matches are often gifted with a no disqualification rule, which hides his subpar wrestling skills perfectly. Seeing as this was a standard bout, though, his lacklustre ability was on show throughout. His clothesline off the apron was decent, at best, with Myers' neck whiplashing off the ringside mats ever so slightly.

Both men being unaware of their opponent being close to the ropes during pinfalls was a bit iffy, and the ending to the match - which saw 'The Innovator of Violence' crotched on the turnbuckles before taking a simple lariat - came out of nowhere. It wasn't a good shock ending, either. It was a WrestleMania 35-style "oh, that's it?" ending, without the jazz of Becky Lynch's triumph.

The worst part? We're not done. There's a rematch on Tuesday night. Sigh.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.