8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Jul 13)

2. Bronson Reed's Golden Opportunity, BayBay

Bronson Reed

A week on from proving that he was in fact better than Kyle O'Reilly and just about every other person on the black and gold roster, Adam Cole wasted little time reminding those in attendance who NXT's golden boy really was.

Yet, after switching gears and focusing on the "coward" that is Samoa Joe, the former NXT Champion soon found out that NXT's enforcer isn't the only guy willing to confront the former UE man at this moment in time.

After going missing following a shocking North American Championship defeat, Bronson Reed arrived on the scene and declared that Cole was his golden opportunity. The two would then briefly brawl before Samoa Joe's music interrupted the collision. Yet, even this brief tease of a showdown was enough to entice as, surprise, surprise, the idea of seeing a fresh new match is exciting. Who'd have thunk it, right?

It may not open the door for an extended programme and may just be a way for Reed to tread water before a rumoured call-up, but Cole being Tsunami splashed into oblivion by the Australian will be a sight to behold and if Reed's clash with Johnny Gargano was anything to go by, this could be an unlikely contender for NXT match of the year.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...