8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Jul 13)

6. Fish Can't Handle The Diamond Mine

Bobby Fish

Looking to build on Roderick Strong's emphatic victory a few week's ago, a confident Malcolm Bivens declared on YouTube earlier in the day that The Diamond Mine Open Challenge would once again be open in a few hours time. However, he likely wasn't counting on former UE man Bobby Fish taking up the offer to batter his ol' buddy Strong, evidenced in Bivens' quick decision to throw Tyler Rust to the, erm, Fish instead.

What ensued was a typical wise veteran vs. up-and-coming prodigy battle as Fish routinely kicked and booted Rust around the ring, to which the soon-to-be Diamond answered back with his own strikes and restricting submissions on the ground.

It was only a matter of time before an Undisputed distraction reared its head, however, and when Strong did finally decide to go for a stroll along the apron, Fish was quickly dispatched by a wicked Buzzsaw kick from The Diamond Mine's gem for the win.

Fish has been on something of a slide since the rest of his brothers decided to go their separate ways and has been in dire need of some mates to keep him from being jumped. So, you can imagine his relief when Cruiserweight Champion KUSHIDA popped up to save the day as the mine looked to be closing in on him. Managing to keep the UE fallout burning without making the whole thing feel stale is paramount at this point, in the wake of O'Reilly/Cole going way too long. But for now, you have our attention.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...