8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 22 - Results & Review)

1. One Off Title Shot > Story?

Michin WWE

There's nothing wrong with a match like Michin vs. IYO SKY on paper, but that doesn't tell the full story. "Story" is actually the key word here, because Michin's sudden ascent into the title picture has none to offer - at least not right now. That didn't stop WWE from booking The OC member to pin IYO in Friday's Christmas-themed brawl.


Yes, Triple H is clearly lining Mia Yim up for a one-off title shot, but why bother? It isn't all that interesting without any sort of context to speak of, and it's hardly like Michin has been fleshed out as a character lately. She's barely been around at all, in fact! Was Trips possessed by the spirit of Tony Khan this week, or something?

Personally speaking (and this is only an opinion), this guy thinks it'd be better if WWE avoided beating IYO SKY completely until they've got a proper storyline reason to help frame it. Otherwise, nobody will remember Michin's big moment when she's inevitably hit with the 50/50 booking trope and loses her one-off title match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.