8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 16)

1. Why Book This?

Cesaro Otis Chad Gable Alpha Academy

Speaking of which.

Otis and Cesaro could have some killer matches if they were given some decent time to work with. Here, they weren't. In fact, their match was more of an angle and an excuse to further a Cesaro vs. Alpha Academy feud that's questionable in the first place. Why is the Swiss suddenly going after tag-teams?

More to the point, why are the Alphas targeting a singles wrestler when they're been banging on about dominating the tag-team ranks for weeks? None of this makes sense, and it reeks of creative apathy towards everyone involved. There's just nowhere to really take this without giving Cesaro a partner.

If WWE think they can stick these lads in there for three minutes and get booming responses from live crowds, they can forget it. Nobody in Houston really cared much about this, mainly because it was obvious immediately that the writers didn't either.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.