8 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (12 August)

2. Kimber Brings The Flava

Kiera Hogan is now officially done in IMPACT Wrestling. Her last segment aired last night, which involved her being kidnapped by Su Yung and Kimber Lee.

The story here was that Kiera, working as a babyface, wanted to confront Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans. Instead, Su Yung's music hit, with this marking 'The Undead Bride's' first physical appearance since April's Hardcore Justice. Joined by Kimber Lee, Yung appeared to have Lee under mind control. As she put on a blood-coated rag, so did Kimber, applying the Mandible Claw to Hogan in the process. The last we saw of Kiera was her being dragged up the ramp.

Crucially, the zombified Kimber Lee story works. Her and Su Yung's backstage antics over the last few weeks have been painful to watch, but questioning if the character works well in front of a live crowd is the more important aspect. The audience lapped up Su and Kimber's work against Kiera. In short, the payoff to the Su/Susie/Susan arc was worth the hassle.

If nothing else, there's at least another official tag team for the Knockouts Tag Team Championships coming away from this. A minor Up for that, too.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.