8 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (12 August)

5. Ace Up His Sleeve

We'll talk more about the actual outcome of the match in a moment, but the work of Ace Austin and Madman Fulton throughout the number one contender's Battle Royal was a genuine delight.

Saying they've gelled together tremendously well since first uniting is a mundane sentence now because it's clear. In this Battle Royal, for example, the duo showed off some great tandem manoeuvres, with one seeing Ace roll over the back of Fulton to kick No Way in the face. More noteworthy, though, was Madman saving Ace from elimination from Fallah Bahh by throwing himself in harm's way, being dumped out of the ring as a result. He had pushed Ace aside in the process.

Their partnership blossoms beautifully because of this. IMPACT's presentation of the team has been a success so far. That Ace and Fulton are also teaming outside of IMPACT now is a testament to this. They want to get better as a team, so they're open to such a thing. It raised the level of this Battle Royal from just any old cluster to an organised contest. Keep this up.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.