8 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 16)
6. Bittersweet Emotion

WWE stars (and pro wrestlers in general across multiple companies) rarely talk to one another like real human beings. Maybe that's why New Day's "farewell" speech worked so well. These guys came across as a rag tag bunch who have been through everything together and become brothers over the past six years.
Their tears were genuine.
You don't often see little glimpses into the real people behind WWE characters, which is a shame. Kofi Kingston is perhaps an exception to that. He told a wonderful job during his WWE Title tilt last year, and he almost had Big E and Xavier Woods bawling their eyes out on SmackDown by admitting that he was close to tears.
It remains to be seen if this New Day split is final or if WWE will go back on their word soon with the 'Brand-To-Brand Invitational'. Regardless, the trio can be proud of their affecting emotion on Friday night. Their sadness was believable.