8 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 16)
4. Bayley's Mind Games

Last week, Bayley avoided most of Sasha Banks' revenge and dodged another bullet before locking up with her old pal at Hell In A Cell. This week, the reigning SmackDown Women's Champ again attempted to play some mind games with Sasha.
That was the right call.
Bayley refusing to sign the contract and playing with Banks' head makes sense. She's in the power position as the champion, and she doesn't need to seal the deal until she's ready. This achieved two things; firstly, it made her look like she's afraid to step foot in the cage with Sasha. Secondly, it keeps the story ticking along nicely.
Also, a contract signing segment without a brawl? Bloody hell. Banks did telegraph some more pre-HIAC violence by saying that Bayley will sign "one way or another". Expect her to knock Bayley out next week and use her hand to sign the paper, or something.