8 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Dynamite (May 13)
3. Repeating The Angle

The show-closing angle featuring Jon Moxley storming through the bleachers, battering Mr. Brodie Lee's followers, and vowing to end the Dark Order leader's AEW career in a hailstorm of violence was solid enough, but suffered for its similarity to the Cody/Lance Archer bit earlier in the evening.
Like the opener, this saw a fired-up babyface wade into action, score a measure of revenge, then force the big, bad heel onto the backfoot. While Cody didn't cut a promo like Moxley, the rest of the layout was almost identical.
AEW generally does a great job of building and delivery hot television angles, so it was a shame to see them take the copy-and-paste route here, particularly with some observers still to be convinced of Mr. Brodie's main event credentials. The Double Or Nothing go-home show needs something stronger.