8 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (15 April)

1. Mamma Mia!

Mauro Ranallo IMPACT
IMPACT Wrestling

The icing on the cake.

Hiring Mauro Ranallo, one of the greatest wrestling commentators of all time, to lend his voice towards the undisputed biggest match in IMPACT history is an incredible choice on IMPACT’s part. His voice is synonymous with some of NXT’s greatest calls; the same will no doubt happen come 25 April as he joins Matt Striker and D-Lo Brown in the announce booth for Rich Swann vs. Kenny Omega.

Ranallo has, of course, been out of pro wrestling announcing since departing WWE last year, He’s since focused on announcing sports outwith professional wrestling, providing the voice that’s best suited to events of such a high calibre. Ranallo is genuinely one of the best to ever put on a headset. That IMPACT have signed him up for one of their biggest shows to date just shows the importance this one match will have.

At the time of writing, the deal is only set to be for the Rebellion main event. Here’s hoping Mauro and IMPACT can come to terms on a longer deal post-Rebellion, though.


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Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.