8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022

3. Enjoy The Carnage

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022 Nathan Frazer Carmelo Hayes Oro Mensah

No-one who has watched any ladder match since 1999 was expecting to see something new in Havoc's opening five-way stunt show. WWE absolutely has a formula set in stone for these kinds of bouts, but that's OK when they're as high quality as this scorcher was.

It was a hoot to watch.

Everybody got at least one or two moments to shine. One minor gripe would be Von Wagner recovering so quickly from being elbowed through a ladder outside the ring, but picking holes in the psychology barely works for these multi-mans, does it? You just need to strap in and revel in the chaos that ensues.

Wagner was the designated power man, Nathan Frazer the one who'd put his body on the line, Oro Mensah just needed one big break to launch his career and Carmelo Hayes the guy who figured he'd win regardless of circumstances. Then, there was the winner...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.