8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)

2. Not The Right Time For This!

Imperium GUNTHER

Uh oh!

GUNTHER and Ludwig Kaiser walking out on Giovanni Vinci better just be temporary heat because big Gio took the 'L' in that opening tag match. Imperium can't afford to shed a member, especially not when Vinci and Kaiser work so damn well as a unit. They're only just really getting started, if anything.

Keep these boys together, for crying out loud. Also, and this is something a member of WWE creative needs to shout from the rooftops about, the timing is dreadful. Judgment Day is already doing the whole tension thing, so Imperium's own drama feels diluted and forced.

Imperium splitting up is something absolutely no-one want to see. What's next for Giovanni beyond this group anyway? Turning into a "fiery babyface" for a few weeks? Nah, that sounds crap. Keep things the way they are, and they way they should be.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.