8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)

5. Tough Spot (But Cody Comes Through)

Cody Rhodes

Carrying this reignited feud with Brock Lesnar on his own is a tough, tough task for Cody Rhodes, but it's the kind of challenge he'll meet head on. Besides, Cody did well to keep the live crowd hooked on every word during his time-killing promo during this week's edition of Raw.

Not just any worker is capable of going out there cold and talking for 10-15 minutes. Cody came armed with a neat trick though; he explained that "everybody has a Brock Lesnar" (crippling anxiety, student debt, a boss they hate etc etc). That gives the rivalry yet more context, and made Rhodes' speech a slick one.

Apparently, Lesnar will return to screens on next week's Raw. That can mean only one thing: Cody is getting his head kicked in at least one more time before they meet in a tie-breaking rubber match with some meaty stipulation at SummerSlam.

Credit to Cody for carrying things the way he did.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.