8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)

4. A Spirited 'No DQ' Effort

Tommaso Ciampa The Miz

Being honest, this writer hasn't been too interested in The Miz feuding with Tommaso Ciampa. It's been an uneven story, much like Miz's prior feud with Johnny Gargano. However, a fun match is a fun match, and both guys defo came to party on Monday's Raw.

They were right up for this 'No DQ' scrap, and it turned into a crowd-pleasing mix of weapon shots and table bumps. Then, Bronson Reed interfered (supposedly on Miz's dime) to screw Tommaso over. Roll on Gargano returning to reform DIY, fend off the baddies, then tackle the tag division.

That's surely the plan.

Ciampa va. Miz was a hoot from the opening bell, so any DIY redemption story is off to a hot start. WWE is having some success by putting ex-NXT stars with established names these days, so sticking Reed alongside Miz isn't the worst idea either.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.