8 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Dec 22)

4. A Forgotten Gem

The first of a few matches revisited this week was Ace Austin and Trey Miguel's scintillating X Division Championship clash from the inaugural Hard To Kill pay-per-view, a match that often gets overlooked in comparison to others. It, unfortunately, came on a night that also saw Tessa Blanchard crowned the company's first female World Champion, and that sensational Handicap Match pitting Willie Mack against The North.

Regardless, Austin vs. Miguel is a match that should never be forgotten about. It's a prime showcase of why the X division has always been the defining division for Impact Wrestling, showing a mixture of high-flying action, stiff strikes, and sheer determination from the challenger to overcome Ace. Of course, it was 'The One True Ace' who retained his title that night after spiking Trey with a deadly version of The Fold.

Undoubtedly, this is the match that helped trail in votes for Austin to become 2020's X Division Star of the Year. He said it himself, he only actually spent four months in the division this year before moving on to pastures new. Matches like this go a long way in determining a wrestler's legacy.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.