8 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (Dec 22)

5. BeyBack

Remember when Rohit Raju made friends with Chris Bey as soon as he became X Division Champion, got himself a title match at Emergence alongside Bey and TJP, and then turned on Bey to steal the title? Yeah, it's time for 'The Ultimate Finesser' to get one back on 'The Desi Hitman'.

It was last week where Raju struck Bey during the latter's non-title contest with new X Division Champion, Manik - it may or may not be TJP under that mask. As a result, Chris Bey technically scored a win over the reigning champion, earning himself a shot at the title all because of Rohit Raju's interference. It was all part of Bey's plan to gain some revenge against Rohit.

'The Ultimate Finesser' now joins Rohit and Manik's title clash at Hard To Kill on 16 January, a match that will no doubt be tantalising. They've got a lot to live up to following this year's Hard To Kill X Division Championship encounter between Ace Austin and Trey Miguel, mind you. If ever there was a trio to top that, it's these three.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.