8 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (May 11)


8. The Way Pay For Krossing Karrion

Karrion Kross

If you ever needed a reminder of why you should keep your opinions to yourself...

One week on from admiring Scarlett's HUGE nails, Austin Theory found himself in the unenviable position of having to throw down with the NXT Champion himself, Karrion Kross. And the match went pretty much exactly how you thought it would.

A plucky, if not foolish Theory got a few licks in throughout the glorified squash, but The Bringer of Doomsday spent most of his evening toying with his food, in all honesty. Popping back up from The Way's protégé only significant bout of offence, Kross proceeded to massacre Theory with an unsettling sequence, including two Saito Doomsday suplexes, a Time's Up forearm, more forearms to the back of a vulnerable Theory's head, and a Kross Jacket before the match was called.

Needless to say, don't expect The Way to Kross Karrion again any time soon.

One man who does seem content throwing himself into the firing line, however, is the former NXT Champion Finn Balor. The cat who refuses to wait in lines (must make him a nightmare at the supermarket) wants his rematch, and Kross seems all too happy to play ball. So, if your name is Pete Dunne, Kyle O'Reilly, or even Adam Cole, take note; a title shot is only a camera pan away...

Oh, and Balor Vs Kross: II will be coming to a TV screen near you in two week's time. Who needs a TakeOver?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...