8 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (May 11)

6. Ruff Answers Dunne's Open Challenge, Proves Regal Right

Pete Dunne

Despite William Regal denying Leon Ruff the chance to compete last night due to getting absolutely obliterated the week before, the biggest underdog in NXT still found himself in action. Unfortunately, though, his opponent was a more infuriated than usual Pete Dunne on the back of realising he'd been "ducked" by Karrion Kross when it came to an NXT Championship match.

Proving to be a match made in heaven (or hell depending on which side of the victory you were on), the two complimented each other brilliantly in this fast-pace Open Challenge. Ruff brilliantly evaded and fired back into the contest on numerous occasions, but Dunne was always on hand to snap and yank at Ruff's whenever he threatened to pick up too much momentum.

Ultimately, it was a less than 100% Ruff who came up short here, passing out in a vicious triangle from his opponent - making that two referee stoppages in one night. This was a wise call all round. Ruff has an out as he again wasn't at his physical best after a rough seven days, and Dunne looks like an absolute savage due to the nature of his win and post-match attack. All boxes ticked.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...