8 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (May 11)

5. Swerve Introduces Hit Row

Isaiah Swerve Scott

At the expense of poor Leon Ruff, Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott informally introduced us to his new associates seven days ago. But this week saw the new leader of this group of fresh-faced friends take a moment to officially debut those involved and the unit's name - Hit Row Records.

AJ Francis, now going by the name of Top Dolla, took the mic and cut some bars, exuding as much charisma as he did sheer intimidation. Ashante "Thee" Adonis took the role of live wire, threatening to boil over as he spat venom at the camera. And B-FAB (Briana Brandy) made a point of letting those at home know that while she definitely "be fab", she was brought on board because of her impressive intelligence.

Boasting a dynamic unlike anything we've seen on NXT before, this group smells and looks like money. Hopefully they're all given the time to grow into their roles and the more green of the group are eased into the in-ring side of the business before long. But if their movement inside the ring is as riveting as their work on the mic, 'Swerve' may be onto a winner with this faction.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...