8 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (May 4)

6. Shoes Off If Your Name's Barrett

Thatch WWE

With the Grizzled Young Veterans making a point of deterring those inside of the CWC from taking their shoes off (if they hate Gibson) in the wake of Timothy Thatcher's valuable research last week, you had to think footwear was going to come into play at some point last night.

Sure enough, after the two hard-hitting units had pulverised each other with blistering shots and brutal submissions for the better part of ten minutes, a clog was used to seize the day for one of the sides. However, instead of the heelish Zack Gibson and James Drake earning the victory through nefarious tactics, it was 'Toothless' Timmy and Ol' Man Ciampa who utilised the improvised weapon, courtesy of an unassuming Wade Barrett, in the end.

Obviously, those who are craving another round of GYV vs. MSK goodness with the NXT Tag Team Championships up for grabs will no doubt be disappointed by this result. Yet, this unexpected outcome also acts as another vital reminder of just how damn competitive this black and gold tag division honestly is at this moment in time. Also, the way this win was brought about surely paves the way for the two duos to run it back in the not too distant future, which is a-okay in this writer's book.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...