8 Ways WWE Is Catering To The Hardcore Fans Right Now

6. The Women Are Being Treated Like Athletes

Kevin Owens Internet

While the term “divas revolution” may have been nothing more than a buzzword/hashtag campaign, the attempts to rehabilitate the women’s division into something more respectable than what WWE has presented over the last decade has been admirable. As Becky Lynch so succinctly put it “why should it be a big deal that we’re good at our jobs?”.

It shouldn’t, but it was because WWE had conditioned the audience to view the females as nothing more than catty bimbos with little character depth and the inability to do anything mildly impressive once the bell rang. With the infusion of the standout workers from NXT such as Sasha Banks, Lynch and now Bayley, the women’s division is finally putting on buzz-worthy matches.

We’ll probably never see the ladies receive the same kind of respect they’re treated and booked with in NXT, but compared to where they were a year ago we’ve come a million miles. These women can wrestle, and the audience is developing an appreciation for it outside of just the hardcore fans.

There will probably always be more money in the bra and panties matches of The Attitude Era – after all that’s when ratings were at their highest – but those days are long gone and these ladies are out to impress with their ability in the ring rather than their looks and bodies.

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Kevin Owens
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.