8 WrestleMania 34 Spoilers We Already Know

6. Seth Rollins Won't Win The Intercontinental Title

Finn Balor Seth Rollins

At the risk of ragging on WWE a little too hard for telegraph booking, they've pretty much revealed that Seth Rollins won't become Intercontinental Champion at WrestleMania 34. Maybe this is an attempt to throw everyone off the scent, but that's not usually how the writing team in WWE work.

When Rollins pinned Finn Bálor cleanly on Raw, it suggested either The Miz will retain his title in New Orleans or Bálor is about to get his first title since relinquishing the Universal gold back in 2016.

If rumours that Seth will challenge Roman Reigns for the Universal Title after 'Mania are to be believed, it'd be silly to give him the secondary strap on Sunday and pen some sort of Champion vs. Champion rivalry. Their issue doesn't need that, and it'd be much smarter to let Miz and Bálor tangle over the IC Title instead.

Seth's win over Finn has the air of WWE giving Rollins a victory to brag about before playing third wheel at WrestleMania.


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