8 WrestleMania 34 Spoilers We Already Know

5. Shane McMahon Is About To Play Heel

Daniel Bryan Shane McMahon

Watch the Shane McMahon/Daniel Bryan hugging segment from this week's SmackDown again and you'll notice just how disingenuous Shane was towards Bryan. It was almost patronising, in fact, like McMahon was sucking up to his General Manager before betraying him at WrestleMania.

A swerve? Imagine that.

It's surely coming, and it shouldn't be taken as a negative. A match like McMahon vs. Bryan could easily feature on pay-per-view over the next few months, or WWE may be able to pad things out until SummerSlam. It's a marquee match whether people enjoy seeing Shane work against world-class workers or not.

Shane-O-Mac is overdue a heel run too. As much as fans may like him in the babyface role (though this sentiment is fading), he's shown before how stellar he can be as a dirtbag heel. That braggart McMahon gold is ideal to heap sympathy on Bryan and make everyone keen to see Daniel kick his ass in a major match.

Shane is turning heel sooner rather than later.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.