8 WrestleMania 34 Spoilers We Already Know

1. John Cena Isn't Attending 'Mania "As A Fan"

John Cena The Undertaker

Bubba Ray Dudley said on Twitter that WWE would be showing "bad business practice" by leaving The Undertaker off the 'Mania 34 card. Bubba realises the bait and switch tactics being used, but he believes the switch will be the return of 'Taker's biker character.

Dudley's comments are logical. John Cena, for all his bold claims that sitting in the stands wouldn't bother him, is not attending this year's event as a fan, not when there's a match as big as this to promote.

This may be WWE's final chance to pull the trigger on Cena vs. 'Taker, and it'd feel special if the legend came back under the biker guise for the first time in almost 15 years. Besides, WWE have Kid Rock there already, and the whole situation seems a bit too coincidental.

Bubba can see through it, and so can some fans on social media. Everything about Cena's promos has hinted that The Undertaker of old died last year and he's about to be replaced by a mortal who spits tobacco, rides a chopper and kicks ass.

Bring it on.

What other spoilers do you already know for 'Mania 34? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.